Improve Member Satisfaction with a Frictionless Transportation Experience
In today’s competitive Medicare Advantage (MA) market, access to medical transportation can be a deciding factor for eligible members looking to join a plan. Roundtrip's solution for benefit optimization enables MA providers to deliver an outstanding transportation experience from start to finish.
Built For Healthcare
Partner with Roundtrip to increase access to care with the most reliable NEMT network, and design a transportation benefit program specific to your members’ needs.

How it works
We are focused on delivering the best member experience through our technology and wrap-around services.

Health Plan Staff or Member Schedule a Ride
Using our simple ride booking platform, a case manager, service center agent, or a member can book a ride. Rides can be booked on-demand or scheduled weeks or months in advance. The platform automatically assesses member eligibility and ride limits.
We match members with the right rides
A ride request goes out to our Roundtrip Community and a best-in-class transportation provider from our credentialed network can view the ride, offer an ETA, and claim the trip. Once the ride is scheduled, we send reminders via text or call letting the member know the ride status.
Organization leaders receive insight
Leaders in the organization have access to real-time powerful data across the entire transportation sequence. This helps plans understand more about member transportation needs and how it improves HEDIS measures.
How we're different

Drive better health outcomes
Roundtrip is proven to help reduce member appointment no-shows, increase Annual Wellness visits and follow-ups, and prevent unnecessary re-admissions.

Manage transportation benefits
Gain powerful management tools to set booking limits and consistently monitor benefit and member utilization.

Centralize booking transportation
All levels of transportation in one place. Book any vehicle: Rideshare (Lyft / Uber), medical sedan, wheelchair, or ambulance so you can meet every member's needs.

Optimize member experience
Members can have various ways to order rides and will receive ride reminders and status notifications for easy coordination. We achieve low grievance rates and help improve STAR ratings.